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Columbia High School
Columbia High School offers a wide range of classes, including many Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Advanced Placement (AP) classes, allowing students to pursue educational paths closely tied to their future career and college directions.
Recent grants for this school:
Curricular Area: Health and Physical Education, Career and Technical Education
Grant Focus: Equipment
Schools: Columbia High School, Henkle Middle School, W & P Intermediate School
Updating the nearly 30-year-old kitchen learning space at CHS to provide hands-on, real-world knowledge and skills to students from intermediate school through high school during school hours and after school programming.
Curricular Area: Career and Technical Education
Grant Focus: Equipment
Schools: Columbia High School
To enhance the Electronics Technology course at CHS, we are acquiring twelve additional electronics training units (trainers). These units will supplement the twelve trainers already provided by CGCC. This ensures that every student enrolled in the course will have access to a trainer for 100% of their class time.
Curricular Area: Arts
Grant Focus: Curriculum
Schools: Columbia High School
Purchasing 35 concert band and jazz band pieces of sheet music to diversity and enhance CHS’s music library. The goal is to provide music students with sheet music to perform that is relevant to them, speaks to them, and inspires them.
Curricular Area: Across Subjects
Grant Focus: Professional Development
Schools: District-wide
When our schools experienced a significant financial crisis this year, resulting in devastating budget shortages, staffing reductions, and program cuts, we promptly responded by awarding a grant totaling $87,325. In partnership with our new superintendent, Rich Polkinghorn, we will be allocating those funds to address the specific needs of our schools.
Curricular Area: Arts
Grant Focus: Equipment, Professional Development
Schools: Columbia High School
Items Purchased: Kiln, pottery wheel, and professional development
This grant will expand the offerings available for students taking Foundations in Mixed Media, Intermediate/Advanced Media and Independent Art.
Curricular Area: Across Subjects
Grant Focus: Professional Development
Schools: Henkle Middle School, Columbia High School
Items Purchased: Implementation of the AVID Elective and AVID School Wide programs within two to three years. AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination.
Providing staff with the professional development necessary to implement the AVID program is part of a larger district-wide vision to increase rigor and opportunity for all students.
Curricular Area: Across Subjects
Grant Focus: Professional Development
Schools: District-wide
Items Purchased: enrollment in the “Managing Children’s Collections from Acquisition to Weeding” course
This is a project that invests in the White Salmon Valley School District librarians, through professional development. The goal of this project is to improve the school libraries in our district by equipping the librarians with the necessary library management skills to revitalize our libraries.
Curricular Area: Across Subjects
Grant Focus: Technology; COVID Support
Schools: Columbia High School
Items Purchased: ThingLink Teacher license
ThingLink Teacher licenses were requested to provide educators with better tools for distance learning during COVID.
2020 COVID Response Grant
Curricular Area: Across Subjects
Grant Focus: Technology; COVID Support
Schools: District-wide
Items Purchased: GimKit license
The Columbia High School Technology Team recommended a GimKit license district-wide to provide educators with better tools for distance learning during COVID.
2020 COVID Response Grant
Curricular Area: STEM
Grant Focus: Technology; COVID Support
Schools: Henkle Middle School, Columbia High School
Items Purchased: Kami App licenses
The Columbia High School Technology Team recommended Kami App licenses for CHS and HMS math classes to provide educators with better tools for distance learning .
2020 COVID Response Grant
Curricular Area: Across Subjects
Grant Focus: Technology; COVID Support
Schools: District-wide
Items Purchased: PearDeck license
The Columbia High School Technology Team recommended a PearDeck license district-wide to provide educators with better tools for distance learning during COVID.
2020 COVID Response Grant
Curricular Area: Career & Technical Education
Grant Focus: Equipment; COVID Support
Schools: Columbia High School
Items Purchased: Wood shop tools
2020 COVID Response Grant
This grant provides a set of high-quality wood shop tools for each student in the class. Video.
Curricular Area: Across Subjects; Crisis Support
Grant Focus: Equipment, Technology; COVID Support
Schools: District-wide
Items Purchased: Chromebooks and hot spots
Forty Chromebooks and 5 hot spots were purchased for the schools to enable distance learning for all students during the COVID crisis.
2020 COVID Response Grant
Curricular Area: Arts
Grant Focus: Band Instruments
Schools: Columbia High School
Items Purchased: Chimes, Tuba, Euphonium, Tenor Sax, Baritone Sax
CHS's Band Program has seen great success and growth over the last 5 years. It has grown from 40 students in 2013 to a projected 70 for 2020. As the ensemble grows, the need for essential instruments has also become more apparent. This grant pays for a collection of instruments (Chimes, Tuba, Euphonium, Tenor Sax, Baritone Sax) that will enhance the sound and maintain proper balance within the Concert Band ensemble.
Curricular Area: STEM
Grant Focus: Equipment
Schools: Columbia High School
Items Purchased: 90 TI-84 CE Graphing Calculators plus Chargers
This grant outfits high school math classes with TI-84 CE graphing calculators with a primary goal of building confidence and promoting engagement among students.
Curricular Area: STEM, Career & Technical Education
Grant Focus: Equipment
Schools: Columbia High School
Items Purchased: Plans and parts for building the ATEV
For the past six years CHS students have been designing and fabricating electric cars to compete in over 50 Electrathon America races. With this grant, students will pilot an innovative and highly motivational twist to this event by building the first of its kind all-terrain, full suspension electric vehicle: the Piranha III!.
Curricular Area: Social Emotional Learning
Grant Focus: At-risk students
Schools: Columbia High School, White Salmon Academy
Items Purchased: Coordinator for Sources of Strength
Sources of Strength (SOS) is a comprehensive wellness program focusing on the prevention of suicide, violence, and substance abuse in schools and their communities.
Curricular Area: Across Subjects
Grant Focus: Professional Development
Schools: Whitson Elementary, W&P Stevenson Intermediate, Henkle Middle School, Columbia High School
Items Purchased: Teacher training for Project Based Learning
This grant sends three teams of five teachers consisting of staff members from each of the four schools to a foundational workshop for Project Based Learning.
Curricular Area: Social Emotional Learning
Grant Focus: At-risk
Schools: Columbia High School, White Salmon Academy
Items Purchased: Curriculum, Training and Support
Sources of Strength (SOS) is a comprehensive wellness program focusing on the prevention of suicide, violence, and substance abuse in schools and their communities.
Curricular Area: Arts; Career & Technical Education
Grant Focus: Technology
Schools: Henkle Middle School, Columbia High School
Items Purchased: iPad Pro Kits and accessories
The aim of this grant is to facilitate a 7-12th Media Arts Pilot Program, with the long-term goal of a sustainable Career and Technical Education program in Film and Media Arts.
Curricular Area: STEM; Career & Technical Education
Grant Focus: Equipment; Curriculum
Schools: Columbia High School
Items Purchased: 10 Quadcopter kits; technology and flight lessons, curriculum development
This grant funds a nine-week unit on unmanned aerial vehicles (or "drones") to be implemented in the introductory robotics class at CHS.
Curricular Area: STEM; Career & Technical Education
Grant Focus: Equipment; Curriculum
Schools: Columbia High School
Curricular Area: Across Subjects
Grant Focus: Technology; At-risk students
Schools: Columbia High School
Items Purchased: Computers
Curricular Area: STEM
Grant Focus: Technology
Schools: Columbia High School
Items Purchased:
Curricular Area: STEM, Career & Technical Education
Grant Focus: Equipment
Schools: Columbia High School
Items Purchased: CNC Plasma Cutting Machine
Curricular Area: Across Subjects
Grant Focus: Technology
Schools: Columbia High School
Items Purchased: 99 Google Chromebooks
This grant launches pilot program of a four-year plan to bring a one-to-one student computing ratio to CHS.
Curricular Area: STEM
Grant Focus: Equipment
Schools: Columbia High School
Items Purchased: Laboratory Equipment
Curricular Area: Social Studies
Grant Focus: Professional Development
Schools: Columbia High School
Items Purchased:
Curricular Area: Arts
Grant Focus: Equipment
Schools: Columbia High School
Curricular Area: Arts
Grant Focus: Equipment
Schools: Columbia High School