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Wayne M. Henkle Middle School
Henkle Middle School serves students in grades 7 and 8 on a campus shared with Wallace and Priscilla Stevenson Intermediate School and adjacent to Columbia High School.
Recent grants for this school:
Curricular Area: Health and Physical Education, Career and Technical Education
Grant Focus: Equipment
Schools: Columbia High School, Henkle Middle School, W & P Intermediate School
Updating the nearly 30-year-old kitchen learning space at CHS to provide hands-on, real-world knowledge and skills to students from intermediate school through high school during school hours and after school programming.
Curricular Area: Across Subjects
Grant Focus: Professional Development
Schools: District-wide
When our schools experienced a significant financial crisis this year, resulting in devastating budget shortages, staffing reductions, and program cuts, we promptly responded by awarding a grant totaling $87,325. In partnership with our new superintendent, Rich Polkinghorn, we will be allocating those funds to address the specific needs of our schools.
Curricular Area: Across Subjects
Grant Focus: Professional Development
Schools: Henkle Middle School, Columbia High School
Items Purchased: Implementation of the AVID Elective and AVID School Wide programs within two to three years. AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination.
Providing staff with the professional development necessary to implement the AVID program is part of a larger district-wide vision to increase rigor and opportunity for all students.
Curricular Area: STEM
Grant Focus: Equipment
Schools: WPSIS, Henkle Middle School
Items Purchased: Adruino Starter Kits
This grant provides Adruino starter kits to expand the the learning opportunities within the district’s coding curriculum. The Adruino kits will introduce both coding and electronics through fun, engaging, and hands-on projects. The tech class will use the starter kits to teach students about current, voltage, and digital logic as well as fundamentals of programming.
Curricular Area: STEM
Grant Focus: Equipment
Schools: Henkle Middle School
Items Purchased: Whiteboards, Digital Temperature Probes, Hot Plates, Ebooks
This grant provides more equipment to create hands-on experiences for the students to engage with the content they are learning at a deeper level.
Curricular Area: Across Subjects
Grant Focus: Professional Development
Schools: District-wide
Items Purchased: enrollment in the “Managing Children’s Collections from Acquisition to Weeding” course
This is a project that invests in the White Salmon Valley School District librarians, through professional development. The goal of this project is to improve the school libraries in our district by equipping the librarians with the necessary library management skills to revitalize our libraries.
Curricular Area: STEM, Design
Grant Focus: Equipment
Schools: Henkle Middle School, W & P Stevenson Intermediate School
Items Purchased: 2 3D printers, filament
This project combines education goals around design and technology, using 3D printers to bring the digital world into the physical world. 3D printing offers students the ability to experience their projects from the model stage to actual creation of the model. This creates both excitement and a better understanding of the design process as they gain hands-on experience it from conception to creation, learning about and utilizing technology along the way.
Curricular Area: Social Emotional Learning, English Language Arts
Grant Focus: Books
Schools: Henkle Middle School
Items Purchased: Books
By purchasing culturally diverse books for the middle school ELA classroom library, this project provides an opportunity for students to see themselves in literature. It will assist in social emotional learning as students are able to relate to books and see how others grapple with issues. The goal of more diverse books is to provide “mirrors, windows, and ladders” for students to see themselves reflect in classroom materials as well as a deeper understanding of others’ experiences.
Curricular Area: Arts
Grant Focus: Band Instruments
Schools: Wallace & Priscilla Stevenson Intermediate School; Henkle Middle School
Items Purchased: Equipment to build 11 small drum sets: Tubano drums, kick pedals, HiHat stands and cymbals, Drum lifts, Rhythm Lid snare clipss, Drum mute sets
This grant provides funds to purchase equipment to build 11 small drum sets for use in the WPSIS and HMS music and band classes. The drum kits will be used together with existing drum kits and the free Band Lab app to support a new rhythm and drumming curriculum designed by the instructor.
Curricular Area: Across Subjects
Grant Focus: Technology; COVID Support
Schools: Wallace & Priscilla Stevenson Intermediate School, Henkle Middle School
Items Purchased: Classwork Zoom license
Classwork Zoom licenses were requested to provide educators with better tools for distance learning during COVID.
2020 COVID Response Grant
Curricular Area: Across Subjects
Grant Focus: Technology; COVID Support
Schools: District-wide
Items Purchased: GimKit license
The Columbia High School Technology Team recommended a GimKit license district-wide to provide educators with better tools for distance learning during COVID.
2020 COVID Response Grant
Curricular Area: STEM
Grant Focus: Technology; COVID Support
Schools: Henkle Middle School, Columbia High School
Items Purchased: Kami App licenses
The Columbia High School Technology Team recommended Kami App licenses for CHS and HMS math classes to provide educators with better tools for distance learning .
2020 COVID Response Grant
Curricular Area: Across Subjects
Grant Focus: Technology; COVID Support
Schools: District-wide
Items Purchased: PearDeck license
The Columbia High School Technology Team recommended a PearDeck license district-wide to provide educators with better tools for distance learning during COVID.
2020 COVID Response Grant
Curricular Area: STEM
Grant Focus: Technology; Equipment; COVID Support
Schools: Henkle Middle School
Items Purchased: Math manipulative and Kami App Licenses
2020 COVID Response Grant
Curricular Area: Arts
Grant Focus: Supplies; COVID Support
Schools: Henkle Middle School, Wallace & Priscilla Stevenson Intermediate School
Items Purchased: Art materials
This grant provided students with high-quality art materials for projects completed at home during distance learning. While the WSVEF doesn’t typically use grant funds for “consumable” supplies, this was seen as a welcome break from screen time, and allowed for art to continue to be part of the curriculum during 2020-2021 COVID crisis.
2020 COVID Response Grant
Curricular Area: Social Studies
Grant Focus: Curriculum; COVID Support
Schools: Henkle Middle School
Items Purchased: Laminated world maps
The set of laminated geography maps purchased with this grant can be used for years to come to help students visualize world geography. This request came in during COVID times to provide a learning option that is away from the computer, to give students a break from the increased screen time.
2020 COVID Response Grant
Curricular Area: Across Subjects; Crisis Support
Grant Focus: Equipment, Technology; COVID Support
Schools: District-wide
Items Purchased: Chromebooks and hot spots
Forty Chromebooks and 5 hot spots were purchased for the schools to enable distance learning for all students during the COVID crisis.
2020 COVID Response Grant
Curricular Area: STEM
Grant Focus: Equipment
Schools: Henkle Middle School; Wallace & Priscilla Stevenson Intermediate School
Items Purchased: Beehives and beekeeping supplies
This grant provides for the installation of an observation beehive at Henkle Middle School and at Wallace & Priscilla Stevenson Intermediate School. This hives will be part of the project based learning curriculum, helping students understand why honeybees are an important part of the agriculture in both local and national production.
Curricular Area: STEM
Grant Focus: Equipment
Schools: Henkle Middle School
Items Purchased: 28 Chromebooks
Chromebooks purchased with this grant will be integrated into the 7th grade science classroom to “bring scientific modeling, simulations, presentations and publications into our classroom on a regular basis, to give life and form to the abstract concepts we are studying”.
Curricular Area: English Language Arts
Grant Focus: Books
Schools: Henkle Middle School
Items Purchased: Books
This grant provides funds for English Language Arts teachers at Henkle Middle School to purchase “high interest books for our students that reflect the diversity of our students, their experiences, and interests”.
Curricular Area: Across Subjects
Grant Focus: Professional Development
Schools: Whitson Elementary, W&P Stevenson Intermediate, Henkle Middle School, Columbia High School
Items Purchased: Teacher training for Project Based Learning
This grant sends three teams of five teachers consisting of staff members from each of the four schools to a foundational workshop for Project Based Learning.
Curricular Area: STEM
Grant Focus: Equipment
Schools: Whitson Elementary School, Wally & Priscilla Stevenson Intermediate School, Henkle Middle School
Items Purchased: Workshop Sets of littleBits
Using littleBits, students prototype and build endless engineered inventions, exercising their logical and critical thinking skills while learning about electronics.
Curricular Area: Arts; Career & Technical Education
Grant Focus: Technology
Schools: Henkle Middle School, Columbia High School
Items Purchased: iPad Pro Kits and accessories
The aim of this grant is to facilitate a 7-12th Media Arts Pilot Program, with the long-term goal of a sustainable Career and Technical Education program in Film and Media Arts.
Curricular Area: Positive social behavior
Grant Focus: Equipment
Schools: W&P Stevenson Intermediate, Henkle Middle School
Items Purchased: Projector, installation, and miscellaneous hardware
The Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) committee at WPSIS and HMS is tasked with leading powerful assemblies to teach and inspire the whole school community about respect, responsibility, and perseverance.
Curricular Area: Arts
Grant Focus: Professional Development, Equipment
Schools: W&P Stevenson Intermediate, Henkle Middle School
Items Purchased: Tuition for "The Art of Improvisation", 10 Remo Drums
This grant enabled the Intermediate and Middle School music teacher to attend a week-long, summer professional development program, "The Art of Improvisation", and the purchase of 10 Remo hand drums (adding to the 6 already owned by the school).
Curricular Area: Social Studies
Grant Focus: Technology
Schools: Henkle Middle School
Items Purchased: 30 Chromebooks; Chrome Management Software
Henkle 8th Grade Social Studies teachers submitted this grant for a class set of Chromebooks.
Curricular Area: Arts
Grant Focus: Equipment
Schools: Henkle Middle School
Items Purchased: 6 Nikon D3300 DSLR Cameras, 1 Nikon 55-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR AF-S DX Nikkor Zoom Lens, 2 Ipad Air 2 128G, iMovie app, 7 SD memory cards (32G), lens caps protectors, 6 camera bags, 2 pPad protective cases, 2 Nikon extra batteries, camera protection plans (3 years)
At the time the grant was submitted, there was one very old camera shared between the Tech Guru and the Yearbook elective classes (80 students annually).
Curricular Area: STEM
Grant Focus: Equipment
Schools: Henkle Middle School
Items Purchased:
Curricular Area: STEM
Grant Focus: Technology; Equipment
Schools: Henkle Middle School
This grant was used to purchase interactive projectors to increase student engagement and math understanding.
Curricular Area: STEM
Grant Focus: At-risk students; Technology; Curriculum
Schools: W&P Stevenson Intermediate; Henkle Middle School
Items Purchased: