Posts in Spring 2017 ... view all grants
CHS Robotics Takes Flight - $4,200

Curricular Area: STEM; Career & Technical Education
Grant Focus: Equipment; Curriculum
Schools: Columbia High School​​​​​​​
Items Purchased:  10 Quadcopter kits; technology and flight lessons, curriculum development

This grant funds a nine-week unit on unmanned aerial vehicles (or "drones") to be implemented in the introductory robotics class at CHS.

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Virtual Expeditions @ CHS – $7,668

Curricular Area: Across Subjects
Grant Focus: Experiences; Technology
Schools: Columbia High School
Items Purchased: a class set of 30 virtual reality goggles, 30 phones, and 1 “Guide” (teacher) tablet

Google has launched an educational experience called Google Expeditions—field trips that are teacher-lead through 360° virtual reality tours of over 1000 locations, colleges, and careers. 

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Drumming & Creativity – $2,685

Curricular Area: Arts
Grant Focus: Professional Development, Equipment
Schools: W&P Stevenson Intermediate, Henkle Middle School
Items Purchased: Tuition for "The Art of Improvisation", 10 Remo Drums

This grant enabled the Intermediate and Middle School music teacher to attend a week-long, summer professional development program, "The Art of Improvisation", and the purchase of 10 Remo hand drums (adding to the 6 already owned by the school). 

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