2D Design & Fabrication Laser Cutter — $6,000

Curricular Area: Career & Technical Education
Grant Focus: Equipment
Schools: Columbia High School, Henkle Middle School, W & P Stevenson Intermediate School
Items Purchased: Lasercutter

Our objective is to make a laser cutter available to a large sector of students who do not currently have access to a machine which is commonly found in manufacturing, engineering, commercial art, and secondary education. Students will use the laser cutter to gain hands-on experience in prototyping for speci?ic engineering projects. This machine revolutionizes the way traditional subjects like art and woodworking are taught, giving students the opportunity to develop skills in digital design and fabrication which will open new career paths for them.

The laser cutter will support two extra-curricular activities, FTC Robotic and Project Invent, both which are closely aligned with WSVEF goal of connecting students to larger communities: FTC Robotics is a state-wide competition where teams form alliances with schools from across our region and are rewarded for their ability to collaborate with others. Project Invent is a national contest where students invent a device for a local person with disabilities. Students are connected with engineers and successful members of the tech industry to guide them through the process of taking a project from the idea phase to the process of manufacturing it for a world market.