Teaching with Technology – $3,750

Curricular Area: Across Subjects, STEM
Grant Focus: Professional Development
Schools: Whitson Elementary
Items Purchased: Coaching on the use of technology in the classroom

The focus of this grant is to provide teachers with the training needed to implement and integrate technology, using Chromebooks, in the classroom in all content areas.  Whitson has used a variety of federal and state funding to purchase Chromebooks carts for the third grade and now each student has a Chromebook to use on a daily basis. Earlier introductory training, showed teachers how to use Chromebooks with students, including setting up a Google classroom, providing digital assignments, such as reading writing, and visual media, and using digital reading and typing programs. The 2018–19 Teaching with Technology project will allow Whitson to continue the work started by the third-grade team last year, allowing teaching teams to differentiate learning opportunities for small groups of students in reading, writing, math and individual projects in science and social studies. The HICAP teacher, librarian, and special education teacher will also be participating in this training and coaching.